Five Tips On Cutting Your Own Bangs

Into The Gloss

Even the most risk-averse of gamblers would bet that if you have bangs, you've probably tried to trim them yourself. It's not the world's worst idea—it's hair; what's the worst you can do?—but it's also something that would probably benefit from a little supervision. While Jon Reyman, the man behind Spoke & Weal and Claire's (and now Emily Ferber's and Emily Weiss') infamous dry haircut, can't do housecalls for everyone, he did a little tutorial with Eva and Casey. Together, they make up Glossier's social team, and conveniently, they both have bangs. Watch the video above for tips from Jon; read the takes below for stories from Casey and Eva:

Eva Alt: "When I got bangs back in July, I wasn't so sure about how long I'd stick with it. I got pretty good at styling them—the one big area that needed improvement was maintenance. Every two-ish weeks, I'd take the Poppin scissors stocked at the office, go to the bathroom, and point cut them using the dull-ass blades until I was satisfied. It worked—but by no means looked professional. I've accidentally cut a few pieces that shouldn't have been cut; a few rounds of that left me with bangs that looked a bit jagged. It was time for a reset. Enter our neighborhood salon, Spoke & Weal. They use beautiful, expensive, Japanese shears—which made even my unsteady hands cut more precisely. While I'm not planning on spending hundreds of dollars on scissors, a simple pair picked up at Ricky's will be an improvement."

Casey Zhang: "As a relatively experienced bang-haver (I’ve had bangs on and off now for 20 years or so), I still have a somewhat novice technique when it comes to trimming my own bangs. Over the years, I’ve had all kind of different bangs—super short, choppy, long and wispy, angled, blunt. And though each style presented its own unique maintenance issues, all had one in common: that desperate in-between-haircuts period where they get too long and you either have to make an emergency appointment or cut them yourself. I would often choose the latter out of desperation, which usually produced mixed results (followed by harsh words from my hairstylist). Eventually though, I found one of the most helpful tips in a Youtube video. Basically the trick is to pull all your bangs together in the center of your face, and then you cut (with small vertical snips, not straight across!) all the hair to the same length. This allows for there to be a soft, subtle edge that doesn't look like you, y'know, did it yourself. It's a tip so good I’ve gotten quite bold with it, often giving myself quick trims post wine or sans contact lenses. Jon told me not to do that though. Good tip, Jon."

Filmed by Tom Newton. Edited by William Kitchings.

From DIY cuts to DIY braids: Watch James Pecis instruct on two very easy braids that you can try at home.