There were plenty of good tips in Anja Rubik's Top Shelf (like how liquid panthenol is good for burn victims and people who have had their hair fried by hot tools). There were somehow even more in her Top Shelf After Dark (peanut butter is the anti-bloat, pre-event snack, apparently). Now she's back with one more—a product recommendation. It's simple, but it's good. Read on:
"Lord & Berry Ultimate Lipliner in Bare. It's a pinky brown that works perfectly with my lip color since I'm tan. I use it to overdraw my lip a little by the cupid's bow and on the bottom, but you can't even tell it's there. And I smudge it so it doesn't look like anything. It just enhances your lips but no one will know you're wearing it. You'll see the difference, though. Just...better!"
OK, cool, thanks Anja—purchasing immediately. Our future selfies thank you. Throwing in a side of that nail color, too. It's Burberry Nail Polish in Storm Grey and it is perfection.
(Also, a note: These photos are a part of a larger shoot with Anja, coming soon. Can't tell you more than that. Get excited!)
Anja Rubik photographed by Tom Newton.
Another good tip we got recently? Nelsons Acne Treatment Gel will change your face for the better. Bible.