What's Your Perfect Heavy-Duty Moisturizer?

Into The Gloss

A rough, Slack-based poll of Glossier HQ shows that, on average, people like to rotate between at least three different moisturizers during the course of a given week. Blame the weather! Or maybe it’s just because your skin has different needs at different times (morning vs. night; summer vs. winter). Many of you have told us that Priming Moisturizer is great under makeup and on days you need something light on your face. But what if Priming Moisturizer had a richer, more emollient sister, for those extra dry days, and restorative nights?

We’re looking to add onto the Glossier family with a heavier face cream, and we want to get started right now. Since that teamwork we did on Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser went so well, we’re hoping you're game to help out again. Tell us what you’re looking for in an ideal heavy moisturizer and over the next year or so, we’ll let you know how the development process is going.

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • How should it make your skin feel?
  • Any texture preferences?
  • Got anything in mind re: packaging? (We’re thinking a jar.)
  • Ingredient suggestions?
  • Do you already sleep in the Moon Mask? If yes, first of all: you’re clever! Secondly, how could that experience be even better?
  • Which two creams could have a baby and produce your ideal moisturizer?
  • What’s the best song reference? Please say something by Boyz II Men...

We’ve already started to brainstorm a couple of baseline requirements—things like a texture that melts onto skin but doesn’t leave a residue and a formula that's fragrance- and paraben-free.

Thoughts, recommendations, and wish lists below please. Let’s see what we come up with.


Photos via Glossier.

We'll get to work stat. While you wait, read about the synthesis of Milky Jelly (made with feedback from you guys) over here.