Meet The Team: Annie Kreighbaum, Executive Editor

Into The Gloss

What was once a tiny and mighty beauty blog called Into The Gloss has become a bona fide NYC startup: Glossier, with a ragtag team of 35+ jogging up and down the stairwell of our Soho office building, spread out across three floors. Why are we here? We're creating a new kind of beauty company from the ground up—one that acknowledges the hopes, dreams, and desires of women today, and gives them the tools (both digitally and physically) to take ownership over their beauty routines. Who are we? Well, a lot of us began like you: as readers. And we'd like for you to get to know us a little better—what we each do, where we come from, and what we're excited about. Meet Annie:

Where are you from?
I'm from Texas—Dallas.

What do you do at Glossier?
I feel like I've done everything here except coding and anything finance-related. The biggest struggle has been deciding what to focus on—right now I think I'm in my happy place. I'm the Executive Editor, which means that I make sure we tell the big stories that are most important to us as a brand. I'm in charge of our “voice.” So that means that I work super close with the physical product team to bring our Glossier products into the world from naming them to helping everyone that works here learn how to talk about them. I cast and art direct the campaign shoots, I work super closely with marketing to help bring their efforts to life. I love working with the social team to help edit things like the Instagram feed. I try to be super light-touch, but sometimes I get super micromanage-y. I like to be really hands on with everything we create—I'll even do hair and makeup for shoots. That's probably my favorite thing. If I could grow up to be a makeup artist, I'd be so happy.

Favorite scent?
I've only recently really got into fragrance, and have totally drank the Byredo kool-aid. I bought myself Rose Of No Man's Land because it's the first fragrance tester I've ever used up. I love their Bullion and Pulp fragrances, so they're next on my list. And I'll probably pop into MM6 soon to get their At The Barber's perfume. Smells like shaving cream.

What’s on your desk?
Piles. I pile things. No succulents or Swedish-designed desk accessories. I have a bunch of could-be Glossier products that Lindsey drops off at my desk to test out. I have piles of 4 and 5-star image selects from our next campaign. Basically if you want to know all of our company secrets and future products, come to my desk and sift around.

Best beauty secret: time I bought a tube of black dye from Amazon that I thought was for lash tinting. I guess it's not though because when I read the instructions—something I wasn't even going to do, to be honest—they explicitly said “Do not use this on your eyelashes. You will go blind.” That was a good beauty tip.

Last lesson you learned?
Whatever the most recent “TIL' on Reddit is.

A night out in New York City + $20—go!
I just want to note that this question originally said “What would you do for $20' and, for the record, I'd take a lot more than $20...If I only HAD $20 for a night out, I'd make everyone start out at some cheap dive bar and blow it buying the first round. That way I can be like “Oh, I bought the first round.” the entire night so my friends would have to return the favor. By the third drink they'd would stop doing the math and I'm good for the rest of the night!

What's inspiring you now?
Adriana Deleo! She's our head designer. Not only is she super talented in what she creates and in how she pulls references and puts them into a moodboard, but her personality is what's most inspiring. She's so calm and cool and kind. I'm lucky to get to sit next to her every day. :)

What’s always in your kitchen?
Mustard. Big into mustard.

What’s your motto?
'Big into mustard.”

—as told to ITG

Annie Kreighbaum photographed by Tom Newton.

Say hello to Executive Assistant Morgan Von Steen—and get acquainted with the rest of the team over here.