Meet The Team: Brennan Kilbane, Editorial Assistant

Into The Gloss

What was once a tiny and mighty beauty blog called Into The Gloss has become a bona fide NYC startup: Glossier, with a ragtag team of 35+ jogging up and down the stairwell of our Soho office building, spread out across three floors. Why are we here? We're creating a new kind of beauty company from the ground up—one that acknowledges the hopes, dreams, and desires of women today, and gives them the tools (both digitally and physically) to take ownership over their beauty routines. Who are we? Well, a lot of us began like you: as readers. And we'd like for you to get to know us a little better—what we each do, where we come from, and what we're excited about. Meet Brennan Kilbane:

'I actually interned at Into The Gloss back in 2013—the same semester as Kim Johnson, but on different days. Then, when I was a senior at NYU last spring, I reached out to Claire Knebl through backchannels of shared connections. I didn't know if there was a job or anything, I just wanted advice. So she met for coffee and I said ‘Give me advice on what I should be doing. I want to be a writer and I don’t really know how.’ She told me to network and pitch relentlessly. And then a month or so later, she emailed me, ‘There might be a job opportunity. Do you want to have coffee?’ I was like, “Oh my God!’ I was so nervous I didn't tell a soul until five weeks later when I got the offer.

One of the things that’s remarkable about how Glossier has changed since I was an intern is how much it hasn’t changed, at least at its core. That sort of beauty reverence and, at the same time, irreverence, has been preserved. Nobody should be like, ‘Beauty is so serious.’ It's funny because, on one hand, there’s this health aspect to beauty and your skin is your largest organ and you should be taking care of it. And on the other hand it’s so fun. Our products are the culmination of that spirit that's always been a part of the Into The Gloss point of view.”

Where are you from?
Cleveland, OH

What do you do at Glossier?
I do a lot of things! Primarily I help with workflow, making sure that every story on ITG has everything it needs to go live, be that photos, edited text, links, and that the finished product is spotless. I also moderate the comments. Hi guys!

Which five products can you not live without?
Mane'n Tail Shampoo because it's the best (and my grandma uses it!), Sachajuan Ocean Mist, Glossier Priming Moisturizer, Benefit Fakeup in Light which is the lowkey best thing in the world, and Etat Libre d'Orange Fat Electrician fragrance.

Favorite ITG stories?
Amy Sedaris and Lucy Chadwick's Top Shelves are some of my favorites. Also, Isabelle Bellis' How To Wash Your Face video literally taught me how to wash my face. I didn't know what toner was before that and I immediately bought a toner afterwards.

Any recent beauty mishaps?
I had just gotten this fragrance that I was really excited about. I doused myself in it right before going to a friend's birthday dinner...which turned into drinks, and then more became a long night very quickly. Anyway, the next morning (and every day since) the fragrance has made me nauseous.

Recent splurge?
One of those cute, large Diptyque Feu de Bois glass candles that I got with credit card rewards.

Do you have a daily ritual?
My dream daily ritual is to wake up early, watch CNN, eat cereal, and get ready for my morning but I always sleep in too late and end up making do with dry shampoo and TheSkimm.

What’s your uniform?
A Uniqlo turtleneck with a pair of jeans and sneakers. And in typing that I just realized that I described Steve Jobs' uniform.

What’s your ideal Sunday?
Sleep in forever, make a frozen pizza, and then go on a run. Then I'll take an extended shower, do a mask, watch a movie, and fall asleep by 10pm.

—as told to ITG

Brennan Kilbane photographed by Tom Newton.

Say hello to Physical Product Coordinator Lindsey Manas—and get acquainted with the rest of the Glossier team over here.