If you work a 9-to-5—or, in today's reality, it's more like an 8-to-8 (oh, the shame)—your Saturdays are precious. And even if you don't, your Saturdays are still precious.
The summer, as much as I'd like to give a stink-eye to anyone who says it, is coming to an end. Don't go running off to the beach, forget the picnic, dodge the brunch date—stay in for once and relax. Wear lingerie all day, play some Whitney, and give yourself a break.
Then, later in the night, find your way out into the world with your massively chilled-out attitude and pretty underwear underneath whatever it is you've decided to wear (not much though, it's still hot). Here are some ideal options of lingerie for an end of summer Saturday inside:
Araks Lara Bralett and Joan Panty in Persimmon Plum Combo
TenUndies Set
Baserange Soft Bra with Reformation denim shorts
—Jen Steele
Photos by Jen Steele.
Well-loved lingerie deserves better treatment on laundry day. Here's a little laundry PSA to save your favorite pieces.