Montana Cox's Pixie: Just Add Water

Into The Gloss

And now, a break from your regularly scheduled programming for a PSA on damaging your hair, featuring Montana Cox:

'I’ve been through major hair trauma. For the Givenchy show, they were like, 'We don’t want to put you in a wig. We’re going to dye your hair blond.' I was like, 'Awesome, great.' We did it. Keeping that up was bad enough with doing your roots. My hair used to be longer, but it kept getting shorter from all the dyeing. Then we dyed it back to brown, and I did a job where they were like, 'No, we want it platinum again.' I didn’t want to, but OK. Then they were like, ‘We want it brown again!’ I went back to brown, my hair fell out, and my agency essentially said, ‘You can cut your hair, or you can't work.’ I didn’t want to do this, but it was weirdly liberating. My agent was there with me for the cut and was like, ‘It’s going to be OK.’ But when it was over, I started bawling. Everyone in the salon was like, 'Is she OK? Is she being forced to do this?' I was like, ittt’sss fineee.

My hair's been through a lot, but now it’s growing out, and it’s healthy—not falling out. I’m really happy. Right now it’s in that awkward-mullet stage where I constantly ask myself, 'Do I cut it? Do I not cut it?' I’m currently in the middle of that situation, and I just look like an excellent dude now. Actually, when I first got my hair cut, I wore a wig for the first couple of days…I literally couldn’t walk outside without it. Though, everyone was like, 'What the fuck are you doing? Take that shit off.'

I complain, but it’s actually a little fun and super easy—especially in the summer. From all of this hair trauma, I realize I just really want nice, long, luscious hair. I put treatments in it every single day. I sleep with coconut oil in my hair...It’s so exciting to have healthy hair. You don’t have to do anything to worry about it or straighten it or blow dry it. You just get out of the shower and go.”

The Australian model (she won her season of Australia's Next Top Model if your looking for something to binge in your spare time) opts for no product most days—save for that overnight coconut oil—so when she needs a bit of a refresher, she reaches for the nearest sink. No, you can't take it with you, but it's certainly more reliable than just about anything else—not to mention cost effective. Water! What can't it do?!

Montana Cox (IMG) photographed by Tom Newton on April 2, 2015.

Sarah Brannon joins the awkward-haircut support group with advice on how to deal with unruly bangs. Read more from Water Week here.