A Case For The Extreme Side Part

Stacey Nishimoto

There's nothing sexier to me than a severe deep side-parting of the hair for instant elegance and mystery. I find it pairs well with a beautiful pantsuit—the complexity suits the hairstyle.

That said, there are different ways to sport the side part, depending on your shape of head and texture of hair. They are as follows:

The Low Pony Or Chignon
Spritz the crown of your head lightly with water, take a comb and make a part 2 inches further than how you would usually part your hair, almost diagonal to your temple. Make sure the part reaches the back of your head. Then, take a brush and slick down your hair into a low pony that lands just above the nape of your neck. Keep the front part of your hair brushed along your forehead like a men's combover. Once your pony is fastened with a rubber band, fluff it and mist with hairspray. You could also make a knot of a bun and fasten it together with bobby pins. I like to pull out little side wisps with a comb in front of my ears to soften the look. Finish with another mist of hairspray just to be on the safe side.

The Fastened Part
Same as above: Dampen the crown of your head with a spray of water and create the side part—except this time, keep your hair free-flowing and just take two bobby pins to fasten the part of hair that falls across your forehead to the side of your temple. Start with one bobby pin first, then double up and take the second bobby pin and slide it right above the first one. Lightly spray with more water and hairspray, and your hair will air dry in about an hour, but the control will remain throughout the day.

The deeper the side part the prettier, to be honest, so don't be afraid to go low.

—Stacey Nishimoto

Stacey gets experimental with three new braided hairstyles.