Moving On From The Cat Eye

Stacey Nishimoto

Any and every woman, no matter what age or style, has sported a cat eye at one point in her life. There's a feline allure in all of us. From Anna Karina to Vivienne Westwood, from the '40s to now, the cat eye will always look and be relevant. But what about a fragmented cat eye? A clean, simple dash across the lid, perhaps. Or maybe just an accent of a cat eye—little graphic shapes leaving traces of a design without being too overpowering. Any spin works; here's mine.

Upside-Down Cat Eye
Draw a clean, thin line along your bottom lashes, starting from the inner corner to the outer corner of your eye—do not go any further than that outer corner. Then take your liner brush and and start drawing a upside-down triangle a few centimeters away from the outer corner, but starting on the same plane as the lashline. Go downward making a point, then bring it back up, reaching a few more centimeters away from your eye. Lastly, draw a line extending outward from the triangle, towards the end of your brow. If this sounds like mumbo jumbo, take a look at the images (it's one of those “got to see it to feel it' styles). It's very easy and super cool.

Slashed Lids
This look is incredibly flattering and beautiful and probably the fastest cat eye you've ever drawn. My weapon of choice for the perfect onyx strike is Givenchy's Parad'Eyes Fluid Eye Liner. Start with perfectly groomed brows, nice 'n' full or faint and elegant. A strong brow will carry this look. Take your liner brush with your face looking head-on into the mirror and draw a line starting at the inner corner of your eye right above your crease line. It should be slender as you begin, widening toward the end with a blocked finish at the tip. Extend the line tracing your crease and stop at the outer corner of your brow with a blunt finish—no points here. This look is modern but still has a classic feel.


—Stacey Nishimoto

Photos courtesy of the author. The best eyeliner tips from the ITG community, right here.