'80s Hair Now

The Swoop
Into The Gloss

We're feeling a bit of a time warp in the ITG offices lately with last week's ' 70s exploration courtesy of Benjamin Puckey and whatnot. So, we figured, why not continue through the decades? Next up, the '80s:

There's one crucial reference point one must understand when approaching the concept of '80s hair. and it's only one word: BIG.

But “big' can mean a lot of things—volume obviously, but also personality. All of which is a bit of a backwards way to (re)introduce you all to Danilo. We met him way back when, and we've kept in touch. Last week, he came in to give a bit of a history lesson: “I moved here in the '80s. I lived it hard, and I lived hair hard. I was working in Soho, and that was the birth of supermodel-dom—super hair and super makeup. We would carry around actual toolboxes filled with our products...really, it felt like we ran the world.”

We'll talk more about that later (stay tuned for The Professional), so for now, let's focus on the hair. Beyond big, the feel is glam but casual—a far cry from what Danilo calls “zero hair.” “You know, when they send a model out with undone hair but in a couture dress...”) And since it's hard to pick just one way to demonstrate that, we settled on five. They are as follows:

1. The Swoop
Also to be referred to as The Flip. Danilo called it a “beautiful shag of hair in the front.” It's like bangs, but it doesn't have to be bangs. Think that iconic image of Brooke Shields in her Calvins.

2. Half-Up
Quite frankly, this look is an objective version of the rock-and-roll mullet—obviously much more glam and cool, but we have to admit. Girls in the '80s had the half-up 'do on lock. It was the go-to, the tried-and-true, and it was easy. It felt right for most occasions and opened up the face. It's clean but also loose—styled, but also not.

3. Texture
We've got a lot to say about texture. Both beach waves and bed head have had shining-glory moments, but the '80s texture shouldn't be forgotten. It is essentially the starting point for hair to be free. Danilo promoted the hair to go in tangents with three curling irons, hairspray, and mousse. The end look is crinkly, but not crimped. Let your lengths undulate.

4. Our Ponytail
Loose and relaxed, so fresh and also very '80s, the ponytail is probably the easiest to execute among these. We're into the scrunchie—but maybe just around your apartment. Hair ties have personality when you do them right.

5. Volume!
Go big or go home. This was Danilo's last look and all his idea. Everyone loved it, and you can tell from the photos—model Gabby Westbrook felt sexier, had more attitude. All you need is a good can of hairspray and a brush. There's no way to mess it up.

Gabby Westbrook (@The Lions) photographed by Tom Newton on July 22, 2015.

Hair by Danilo (The Wall Group).

Gabby wears clothing from Ekhaus Latta (look 1) N/Tice (look 3), vintage (look 4), and Topshop (looks 3 and 5).

_Hair accessories should really be more of a thing.