Introducing The UV Lip

Stacey Nishimoto

On the surface, the ideas of neon and coral might not seem like a perfect fit. But add in a splash of bright pink, tangerine, and a warm candy-apple red, which all can be found in a very special palette known as Kryolan's Cream Color Circle UV, and all of a sudden there you have it—a neon coral, the most perfect summer lip color there ever was.

This magical little wheel holds 6 UV-colored grease paints that show up on skin and lips intensely. They're bright and glowing for daytime and literally glowing under a blacklight. Very cool. The cream texture has a nice slip feel and sheers out beautifully on the lips. No clown face here, but rather an elegant pop of color that will flatter any complexion. The best part of this is that you have all of the control in just how intense or soft you want your neon lips to be. Here they are done up two ways:

The Subtle Neon Lip
To do a subtle neon lip, you want to start applying color only in the center of your mouth. Start with Pink. Dab your finger in the paint, and blend the color along the center of your lips. Rub it in as you are applying lip balm to the top and bottom. Next, layer over Orange in the same manner. On top of that, dab the red in the very center only and blend with your finger. Now you have a beautiful layered lip of luscious colors. To complete this look, take a bare finger and run it over your entire lips and up to your lip line just a tad to unify the center of your lips with your entire mouth. Application is very much in a lip-balm style, using your fingers to do effortless blending and voila! You are left with a memory of a neon lip hanging on .

The Full Neon Lip
This is perfect for an evening look. The steps are the same as above but the difference is using a lip brush, instead of your fingers, to apply the creams. Saturate the color in the center of your lips, layering with a brush, one color at a time. Then, wipe your brush clean and go over the entire lip connecting the center colors out toward your lip line once again. Keep the lip line soft, focusing the brightness mainly in the center. And there you have a very wearable and stunning UV neon lip.

—Stacey Nishimoto

Photos courtesy of the author. Prefer something in a tube? Here are 11 of the most wearable orange lipsticks.