Netted Cushion Pots Are The Packaging Of The Future

Into The Gloss

Here's a story of worlds colliding: Last month, Emily Weiss took a quick trip to Seoul to see what all the “this place is like Disneyland for beauty enthusiasts' fuss was about. She had a great time and brought back suitcases full of products to test out. One of particular interest was the Banila Co. Eye Love Cushion Gel Eyeliner. Unlike the cushions occupying the foundation realm, the eyeliner cushion is more of a mesh. Bounce the tiny liner brush on top of the overlay and get the perfect amount of liquidy product coating the bristles.

But the Banila liner was particularly intriguing to see because it was the same day we were introduced to the Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blushes. The fine people over at Stila don't call theirs a cushion (and to be honest, it makes more sense when they call it a “unique netted pot delivery system'), but it's essentially the same deal. Super fluid product (that would be a mess if you spilled), kept in its place by a mini pair of nylon fishnets. The Stila blush is more watery than your average cream alternative, which makes applying it a little more freeform (and skin-plumping, at that). Also a thin layer is not just possible, it's basically required, making the super pigmented hues less intimidating.

They say two's a coincidence and three's a trend. But by the looks of this, it's no coincidence. Continue preparing for all sorts of cushion domination, making its way to a beauty counter near you...

Photographed by Tom Newton.