Cire Trudon Scented Matches

Into The Gloss

When was the last time you thought about your matches? Probably not until the moment when you actually needed one—and then maybe at that point, you just resorted to your trusty Bic and moved on with your life. Cire Trudon's Matches can probably change that.

At 22 centimeters, these matches are exaggeratedly proportioned but also simple enough in that they're matches. The shelf life of one lasts only a couple of seconds before it's literally burned up, making you prioritize if this is a Cire Trudon moment or bar-cum-hotel matchbook occasion. These are matches you think about, maybe even daydream about on the ride home from work, wishing you bought them for your last dinner party when “candlelit dinner' suddenly has the potential to be even more special.

The real selling point, though, is that the sticks themselves are heavily fragranced, releasing the much-loved Cire Trudon scents like the beachy, antique Bartolomé or the cologned and luxe Odalisque. Keep these matches in their box, half-opened for subtle room fragrance or perched atop a fireplace that doesn't even work. Environmentally friendly habit encouraging without sacrificing luxury—what more can you ask for in a match...besides, you know, lighting things...but that's extra here.

Photographed by Tom Newton.