The Sheet Mask For Your Jawline

Stella Kim

If you're super serious about neck cream (which I have to assume is fewer people than are super serious about other kinds of cream, since it's always felt like a niche product to me), I would like to direct your attention to the T.P.O V-Banding Mask. While not exactly for your neck (it's more of a chin/underchin product), it's similarly specific and has the familiar trope of firming and tightening sagging skin. “T.P.O” stands for the idea that the mask can be used at any given “Time, Place, and Occasion.” An interesting concept, for sure, but seeing that the patented shape is sort of like a surgical mask that wraps your jawline and underneath your chin, it'll take some guts to go on a coffee run wearing this thing.

The goal here is to pull up any saggy skin back toward your ears with the help of elasticity-inducing ingredients like hydrolyzed collagen, adenosine, and caffeine. There are a total of five slits in the mask—one for your mouth, and the rest hook onto your ears to ensure that the mask stays in place. That being said, I wouldn't call it comfortable. The results are more along the lines of what you'll get from a sheet mask (but less like a miracle face-lift replacement product)—expect calmer, brighter skin in an oft-ignored area. It's not available in the US yet (though is preparing an English site as I type this) but I will say, given what companies can charge for neck creams et. al., I wouldn't be surprised to see a rising trend of not-just-for-your-face sheet masks in the next year. Keep an eye out.

—Stella Kim

Photographed by Tom Newton.