The Look: Ysaunny In MAC

Annie Kreighbaum

When Ysaunny (The Society) mentioned being an enormous Simpsons fan, unprovoked, five minutes after entering the office, it was like “ Finally— someone to slap these cool nail stickers on.” (Nail stickers are great.)

Now MAC's done a lot of collaborations over the years, but The Simpsons collection might strike some people as odd.

Some people: They're cartoons.

Me: Oh, like former MAC collaborators Hello Kitty, Wonder Woman, and Archie?

SP: Not the same. The Simpsons...they're...

Me: I love The Simpsons. I could watch The Simpsons all day long. Sunday nights watching The Simpsons is my only family tradition.

SP: OK, sure. But why yellow lip gloss?

Me: Because Marge has yellow lips.

SP: Then why didn't they do a blue mascara?

Me: Good point. Missed opportunity.

SP: What's next? Beavis and Butt-Head?

Me: Probably not, but what if they did Daria?!

SP: That would be amazing if they did Daria.

—Annie Kreighbaum

Ysaunny Brito wearing Powder Blush in Sideshow You , Harpooned Heart eye shadow from Marge's Extra Ingredients Quad, and The Simpsons Nail Stickers. Makeup by Annie Kreighbaum, photographed by Tom Newton.