Follow Friday: @Glossier

Logo development
Emily Weiss

Hi friends!

Your old (back to brunette) pal Emily here.

I want to introduce you to Glossier!

Glossier is a new project that we've been working on for a while and is finally ready to make its debut. It's something I've poured my blood, sweat, and tears (all literally) into, and I couldn't be more excited for you to see it go live in a few weeks. In the meantime, we've started a flow of inspiration and information about the creative process on everyone's favorite social medium, Instagram. We'll be opening the virtual doors to's a whole new world: a new way of thinking about—and shopping for—beauty products. Ones that we're making . !!! !!!!! More on that soon. Hop on 'gram and get to know @Glossier—all will be revealed in time. I hope you like what you see so far, and that you'll join us on this adventure.

—Emily Weiss