Sophie Bille Brahe, Jewelry Designer

Into The Gloss

“I’ve been making jewelry for very long time. I’m trained as a goldsmith—the traditional four-and-a-half years of measuring and bloody fingers. But I thought it was really important to have that training when you want to design your own stuff. Around three years ago, when I was doing my MA at Royal College of Art in London, I started getting a lot of press for small things I had made for some ladies. So I felt like I had to do my own line.

I always try to put in some kind of poetic element to the design, to make the pieces a little more narrative. My great great grandfather was a famous astronomer, Tycho Brahe. He found a constellation called Cassiopeia, so I did a whole collection around Cassiopeia and star constellations. The stars and the sky—they're always present in my collections.

I live in Copenhagen where everything is a lot more relaxed than in the States. I just wear trainers to my studio normally. It’s kind of dirty, so I take two showers a day—one in the morning and one when I get home. After my shower, I always put on a dress or something nice for the evening, even though it’s just for my son and my boyfriend.

Every day I cover myself in Kiehl’s Creme de Corps—it's my love. It makes me feel like I’ve been to the beach, even though it’s snowing and cold in the middle of winter. I use Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream for my lips, my eyes, and nails, and sometimes the Weleda Calendula Cream, which is my son's. It’s really good and it’s organic.

I occasionally use the La Mer Body Refiner with diamonds in it. When my boyfriend and I started living together, I was like, 'Where did it go?' He had started using it all over! It was such a waste... Now we have Aesop—even my dog has Aesop. They make shampoo for dogs and it’s actually more expensive than the shampoo for women, so my little border collie has that one. My skin easily gets rashes, and Aesop Hydrating Cream and Deodorant have always been perfect for me. And I love the smell of it.

I don’t really wear much makeup, I never have—it doesn’t really suit my face. I get stressed if it’s too much because then I feel like I can’t recognize myself, like I look like a doll or something. Plus I always wear bling, so then I end up feeling too dressed if I also have makeup on. I only do a little bit to my brows, like a little brush with clear mascara. Then the Touch Éclat from Yves Saint Laurent, then some Chanel rouge that I apply with their nice long brush, and that’s it.

My grandmother used Coco Noir, and my mom used Coco Noir, and the first perfume I ever used was Coco Noir. That’s what I still use, but I don’t really use it as a perfume. I have to spray it through my hair, otherwise it’s a little too perfume-y, and it smells like someone wearing a fur coat. If I’m traveling a lot and I miss my boyfriend, I go to the Bon Marché in Paris and I'll put on a little bit of the cologne he uses— Hermès Terre. It’s really delicious in my opinion.”

—as told to ITG

Sophie Bille Brahe photographed by Tom Newton.