Kardashian Contouring By The Numbers

No Makeup
Elizabeth Brockway

Let me begin first by saying that I fully support anyone in her (or his) personal-style voyage. If that means wearing layer upon layer of heavily applied makeup every day, by all means, you do your thang. For me, though, whether it be because of my lack of technical skills, or just my personal taste, I appreciate a lighter touch when it comes to makeup application. I would say that the Kardashians are a perfect foil to my everyday routine, which is why the idea of attempting to replicate their signature look feels completely ludicrous.

But when we have a week of contouring posts, and a new Vogue cover girl who is the de facto expert on the matter, why not give it a go? Being a writer with almost zero knowledge on the subject (I apologize for my ignorance—it is a truly frightening technique to which I’ve consciously steered clear from; I imagine several of you can relate), I turned to Wayne Goss and his always-helpful instruction for guidance on my journey to glam land.

The result? I think I look a bit like an ‘80s/'90s makeup/hair model, or a mom trying to upstage her daughter at a country club cotillion, but maybe that works for some people. I did pick up some helpful tips along the way (I now know at least one variation of contouring), some products that I’ll incorporate into my daily routine (particularly the NARS Gaiety Blush and Make Up For Ever Smoky Lash Mascara), and, if nothing else, it was an interesting way to spend a morning. All in all, I can’t believe this photo of me exists on the internet, but it’s all in the name of beauty, right?

Number of products used: 17+ (when factoring in my morning moisturizers)

Number of brushes needed: 10 + eyelash curler

Number of wipes needed to remove complete look: 4 Neutrogena Wipes + 5 Bioderma Créaline-soaked cotton pads

Number of attempts I made: 2 (5, if you count the 3 times I gave up half way)

Total Time (for a single attempt): About 30 minutes

—Elizabeth Brockway

Photos by Emily Weiss and Elizabeth Brockway.