Make Cannabis Part Of Your Routine

Elizabeth Brockway

In addition to the religious celebration (Easter), this Sunday is also the unofficial holiday for something that some people practice with religious vigor. The origins of “420' are something of high school folklore. The widely accepted theory is that a group of early-‘70s weed aficionados would meet after school at 4:20pm to enjoy the effects of their favorite drug; the definitely not true, but no less entertaining theory is that “420” is police code for marijuana busts. We're all for religious freedom over here, but can't necessarily endorse the use of marijuana this weekend—our offices are located in NYC after all, and the po-po still say it's a no-no. We can, however, expound the virtues of Mary Jane's not-so-distant relative: hemp.

Unfortunately, no, we've not the power or will to advocate for the return of hemp necklaces, this article is about hempseed oil-infused (and the occasional cannabis-imbued) beauty products. So why hemp?

“One of the main benefits of hempseed oil is all of the omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids it contains. They’re excellent to help nourish our hair and skin because they act as a vegetable protein, so they work not only for lubrication—as oils do—but they also help to strengthen and nourish from the inside out,” say Jamyla Bennu, the creator of small-batch, natural skincare company Oyin Handmade. “Each oil has different nutritional properties and can do different things for you. The oils like hempseed, almond, and coconut are far more nutritious to your hair. They sink in. They penetrate the hair's cuticle fast and provide nourishment to the core of the strand.”

So with that in mind, the products…

For hair + hempseed oil, there’s no better brand than Oyin Handmade. The Honey Hemp Conditioner will help bring you closer to that long, healthy, flowing look that appears to have never known the burn of bleach, with an ingredient list that's mineral oil- and paraben-free. Though the honey does impart a slightly sweet scent, you’ll be happily free of any lingering fragrance after drying. Plus, “love' is listed as one of the ingredients on the bottle, and who couldn’t use just a little more love in their hair?

Body Lotion
If winter weather has left you dry and itchy, Nature’s Gate Hemp Lotion will help get you ready for short dresses and tank tops. The fast-absorbing cream dries relatively matte, helping avoid the “can’t cross my legs without them slowly slipping apart” issue that far too many moisturizers and body oils encourage. But if you’re looking to live on the wild side and truly indulge in the spirit of the holiday, Apothecanna is your brand. We’ve all heard the “weed helps reduce pain!” reasoning that Californians use to obtain their medicinal marijuana cards—and they’re right! Combined with arnica, juniper, peppermint, and cannabis flower, the Extra Strength Pain Cream is the 420-friendly take on Icy Hot pads.

If you haven’t used Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap , then you didn't hear me the first time I wrote something similar to this: it’s the best. Among other things we learned about the brand via Marc Maron and his WTF Podcast, David Bronner is a major proponent for the legalization of marijuana, thus making it no surprise that the truly magical brand uses hempseed oil as a main ingredient in their soap products.

At this point, after much reading, it seems clear that the healthiest deodorant is an aluminum free, non-antiperspirant option, but unfortunately that usually means that it won't deodorize at all—in fact, it will odorize you even worse. But Lafe's Roll On Deodorant works. Really. Intense-morning-workout tested and approved.

Speaking of odors, for a feminine fragrance flirting with vetiver, hemp, and a bit of Johnson and Johnson’s Baby Soap scent, pick up Balenciaga’s Florabotanica. But if you’re looking for an earthier, slightly masculine option, try Fresh’s Cannabis Santal Eau de Parfum.

If you are in need of a hydrating lip solution no matter how many glasses of water you drink to counter the peeling and cracking from the inside, a lip balm based in hempseed oil is a great option for thin, smooth, no-nonsense moisture. Try Love & Toast’s Cherry Lemonade or Lemon Mint Lip Balms for a fun flashback to grade school's flavored lip stuff. Or if you want something slightly less girly, Apothecanna’s Lip Buzz is your jam. Don't worry (or...sorry?), you won’t get high from the cannabis seed oil-based balm.

Maybe this is already in your cosmetic bag, but now you know that Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics' Lip Tars contain hempseed oil to help with the delightfully thin and smooth (but no less pigmented) application. NSFW is a personal favorite.

If none of the above products strike your fancy, but you’re interested in the benefits that hemp can bring to your body, investing in some Hemp Protein Powder or Organic Hemp Oil may be all you need. Add the powder to your diet to help increase fiber intake, or the oil to existing beauty products (like shampoos or conditioners). Of course, you can always use it alone as a moisturizer.

But if you really want to enjoy Sunday to its fullest, there are many beauty brands out there that are less legal(at least federally), so unsurprisingly, they weren’t too keen on having their brands promoted here.

—Elizabeth Brockway

Photos by Elizabeth Brockway.