The Perfect Winter-To-Spring Color Palette

Lacey Gattis

Spring is almost here...but not quite. It's the dreaded Transitional Period, and the next few weeks are, arguably, the hardest shift to make when it comes to wardrobe, color, and décor. Take these ethereal, petite arrangements from Ariel Dearie Flowers as aesthetic inspiration from now until April (or until the snow melts—whichever comes first). At this time of year, “it can be nice to use barely any color at all,” Ariel tells us. “The muted, almost washed-out tones of these arrangements allow you to focus on texture,” The same holds true for clothes: when in doubt, let materials and tailoring be your guide, and use color as an accent rather than a focal point.

What You'll Need to Make This Arrangement
♦ Ranunculi
♦ Hellebores
♦ Anemones
♦ Peonies
♦ Andromedas
♦ Variegated Geranium Leaves

Photo by Ariel Dearie.