Kate Moss is 40

Elizabeth Brockway

We'll be the first to admit that our obsession with Kate Moss is creepy. In fact, this is actually the second draft of this post because, after returning from a post-Kate-slideshow coffee break, we saw that our initial, unrestrained gushing about how beautiful and mysterious and amazing she is sounded a touch too stalker-ish. To edit or to embrace? It's not like our hard drives don't contain more photos of Kate than of ourselves, our friends, and family members combined.

Remember her 39th Gloffice birthday celebration, wherein we literally consumed her, like the Body of Christ during Holy Communion, in the form of customized cupcakes? (These actually did taste better than skinny feels, if anybody's wondering.) This year, which is Ms. Moss' 40th birthday, we decided to aim higher. Could we make ourselves a bit more like the fashion icon? Yes, yes we could. So we called airbrush-makeup gurus Temptu and asked them to do us a solid: recreate all of Kate's well-documented tattoos, but in temporary form (we're not that obsessed). After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Is it a little Buffalo Bill? Maybe… But #YOLO, and Kate Moss only turns the big 4-0 once.

Click here for a chance to win Temptu's brand-new, not-for-sale Kate Moss tattoo set, complete with wrist anchor, lower-back swallows (rendered by Lucian Freud!), and that little Pete Doherty-referencing “P' we rarely get to see... which we'll say now stands for “perfect.”

Happy Birthday, Kate.

Photos [2-3] by Mathea Millman.