This Is Where Harry Met Sally...

Elizabeth Brockway

In a Jewish deli on East Houston on the Lower East Side, you’ll find a notice that reads, “Where Harry met Sally…” To those of you unfamiliar with the ‘80s Rob Reiner/Nora Ephron masterpiece (some may dare to call it the greatest rom-com of all time, but we don’t want to speak in such absolutes…it’s the truth, though), the Katz’s Delicatessen sign does not point out the meeting place of two randos we don’t care about, but rather hangs above the very table where Meg Ryan gave her greatest performance. It’s the table, the scene, the moment that she proved, for once and for all, men can’t tell the difference. So, in honor of the America’s Sweetheart’s 52nd birthday (today), maybe it’s time that we take a trip down memory lane, and perhaps a little refresher course on how to make a convincing sell of fun.

P.S. Fun fact: The woman who utters the famous “I’ll have what she’s having” line is none other than Rob Reiner's—the director's—mother.