The NYC Biker Gang

Elizabeth Brockway

Unofficial Summer has arrived! School is out, it's 85 degrees in NYC, we've stocked up on summer whites, and as of Memorial Day, Citi Bike will be open for a 'preview week.' Today, would-be members received texts announcing that the bike-sharing app is finally available, so get out your iPhones and download away (it's also available through Google Play). Currently, the app displays hundreds of soon-to-be-activated cycle stations (all situated below 23rd Street in Manhattan and across Brooklyn), and a quick survey of the Citi Bike NYC website reveals stations planned for Manhattan south of 60th Street. We couldn't be more excited for the program, which is already popular in cities like London and Washington, DC. No more worrying about having your bike stolen! No more taking a wheel with you whenever you lock up! With Citi Bike, you subscribe and ride, like Zipcar, only you don't have to return it to the same station. The company offers daily, weekly, and annual memberships, so pick up a helmet and get ready to become a 'bike person'—we certainly will be.