Into The Gloss

Do you know how fucking great Tina Turner is? If not (or even if so), please watch this video before continuing:

As you may have guessed, we have some pretty solid love for Tina (Nick got front-row tickets for his mom to her 2008 “farewell' tour; Alessandra regularly sighs “oh, Tiiiiiina!” whenever one of the singer's tunes pops up on the Gloffice playlist). Those legs, that wiggle, that voice!

Anyway, her April German Vogue cover story (the 73-year-old's first appearance on any Vogue cover! Unbelievably!) is making us super happy. Tina's signature honey-blond shag is out in full force, as is her unmatched ability to be sexy in one moment (vintage Armani sequins) and casual the next (a crisp men's oxford tucked into wide-leg jeans), never not looking incredible. I mean, the headline sort of says it all: “Simply the Best!”

Tina Turner photographed by Claudia Knoepfel and Stefan Indlekofer for German Vogue April 2013—subscribe to see more.