Good Will Hunting, Great Spa Day

Into The Gloss

When it came to this Sunday Spa Day, with all the pore-refining, skin-perfecting talk we’ve been up to lately, it seemed like the best thing was to go to the source and deal with those suckers (those’d be your pores), pre-primer.

First order of business: our chosen film is Good Will Hunting, because hello, it’s awards season, this oral history of how the film got made is pretty much the best thing ever, and Matt and Ben were so cute! And so good! (And Alessandra and Nick both grew up in and outside of Boston and so, you know, go Red Sox! and How do you like them apples?)

Second thing: slap some Living Proof Targeted Repair Cream on the ends of your hair for a split-end healing treatment that holds in moisture and wards off further damage to the hair strand. Then, do a once-over with Alchimie Forever Excimer Plus Gentle Antioxidant Refining Scrub, which uses cranberry beads, jojoba pearls, and papaya to exfoliate your skin. There's also shea butter and antioxidant-packed lychee and rosemary extracts to protect your face against environmental stressors. Continue watching Matt Damon be adorable, brilliant, confused about what direction his life should take.

Follow up with Dr. Jart Pore Medic Pore Clear Mask (they come in single-use packets! What’s not to love?). Apply the scary cotton 'face' (this one’s eye holes are decidedly happier-looking than the other options we’ve tried; it’s like a happy, chubby-cheeked cartoon character) soaked in serum over your own face, leave on for about 30 minutes, and remove gently, massaging any left over goop into your skin. Think about Robin Williams. We love you, Robin Williams! You’re a great actor. You’re so good in this movie.

Massage one-quarter of a dropper of In Fiore Complexe de Fleur Cellular Renewal Complex (it’s a blend of herbs, flowers, and things like sea buckthorn berries; the brand calls it “liquid gold”) to boost cell turnover and collagen production in your now squeaky-clean mug. Let that soak in, and consider whether you've found your new favorite face oil. Also, Minnie Driver. Where have you been, Minnie?

When the film is heading towards its (undeniably great) conclusion, massage in some Lancôme Bienfait Multi-Vital Night—it’s highly potent, heavy on the moisturizing, and pretty much exactly what the doctor ordered for healthy skin (thank vitamins E and C, plus omegas 3 and 6), and will have you waking up fresh-faced and lovely for whatever Monday holds.

Sadly, what Monday holds is definitely not Matt Damon or Ben Affleck circa 1997. But there’s probably other good things in store! (Right? Right.)