Sunday Night Bites.

Into The Gloss

Yes, last Sunday's recommendation of dark and moody beauty was our gut reaction to both the death knell of the weekend (ugh, SUNDAY!) and the mayhem of Black Friday (and, of course, our love for Cruel Intentions). This week, we're bringing you something a little lighter: glowy-grunge, Winona Ryder-early-'90s awesomeness. That's right, we're talking Reality Bites, so let's shake off those Sunday blues and get our angst on, together.

The film revolves around four friends and recent grads (Winona, Ethan Hawke, Janeane Garofalo, and Steve Zahn) trying to navigate their post-college years, specifically with what to do with themselves, a.k.a “getting a life.” How apropos, considering right now (Sunday) you're trying to figure out what to do with your life! Also, Winona dates Ben Stiller, which is kind of hysterical, and wears a lot of flannels and full-length grungy florals, which are kind of amazing. So, watch that while you primp for the busy week ahead, and let's get to the primping part (for the record, we're going non-fussy, naturally pretty, and great-smelling):

As for your below-the-neck, we think Dr. Hauschka's Daily Body Care Kit is pretty consistent with Winona's character (holistically minded, great smelling, no-frills). The kit includes a hand cream, rose and quince body moisturizer, and rose and lemongrass body oils (you know, if you feel like switching it up [spoiler: Winona does!]). So, mix and match during- and post-bath for supple, well-cared-for skin that doesn't require a lot of effort.

For nails, stay au naturel with Dior Charnelle polish.

Wash those men right out of your hair (film reference! we're not drawing any conclusions about your actual love life) and treat your tresses with Kérastase Elixir Ultime Rose Millenaire—it gives you silky strands with a light floral scent. It's a treatment and a styling aid. Useful!

Now, let's focus on that face: you know how we feel about skincare. (Tonight's options, in a nod tothe righteous Reality Bites era, are of the cruelty-free, allergy-tested, anti-animal-testing variety.) Slap on Ren's Glycol Lactic Radiance Renewal Mask (Kate Young called it “the best thing ever') and hang out for 10 minutes while it works its glow-getting magic. That slight tingling means it's working. Try Skyn's Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels while you're at it, to erase all signs of a more-than-usually fun weekend and help prep for the work week. You can keep them on for up to ten minutes while you watch the romantic and career mishaps of Wynona and friends. Take your time massaging in some Rodin Olio Lusso afterwards for that dewy adolescent look (hopefully, minus the drama). You've got to get ready for tomorrow, after all.


P.S. To sum it up for you, that'd be:

Movie: Reality Bites

Body: Dr. Hauschka Daily Body Care Kit

Nails: Dior Charnelle Polish

Hair: Kérastase Elixir Ultime Rose Millenaire

Skin: Ren Glycol Lactic Radiance Renewal Mask

Skyn Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels

Rodin Olio Lusso