Movember Madness

Nick Axelrod

As you may have heard (or witnessed, slowly growing on the upper lips of men near you), it’s halfway through the month of ‘ Movember’ and your mustachioed friends, growing out their facial hair to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, need your support more than ever. Yes, the halfway point is when things get reeeaaally hairy, friends. And by ‘hairy’ we mean, who knew that you had a little bald patch on your upper lip? Or that some people have gray in their beards already? And is it true that “every guy has red in his beard”? Because we don’t think it is, you secret gingers. Anyway, we support a good cause—Nick's 'staching as we speak—especially when it involves a little bravery in the personal-style department. So, in solidarity, we’re topping up our manicures with Revlon’s idiot-proof peel 'n paint mustache Nail Art Stencils (which are close to sold out in stores, but the internet has shown us the same effect can be mastered with a dotting tool, toothpick, and a touch more dexterity).

We may not be growing ‘staches, boys, but we’re right there with you in spirit. Also, there's some great mustach spiration in our slideshow.

Click here to make a donation to Movember causes.