Rick Owens Spring 2013

Into The Gloss

We’ve always been a little wary of foam parties (remember all those rumors about STDs being spread at college foam parties? Because we do!) but the scene-stealing foam-cum-cloudscape scene at Rick Owens SS13 show—a wall of falling foam that turned into a floor of suds, like an incredibly chic washing machine gone bezerk—was something else entirely.

Backstage, the Gustav Klimt/Egon Schiele-inspired hair was achieved via Luigi Murenu’s frizzed out, middle-parted, Grace Coddington-taken-a-few-steps- beyond sculpted wigs, while Lucia Peroni’s focus was to create a “blank radiance,” by blending MAC Face and Body Foundation with Face and Body White for a pallid, powdered finish (she pressed a fingertip of MAC’s Pro Longwear Lipstick in Perpetual Flame into the center of the mouths, in an effort to prevent the models from looking “dead'). “It's all about the hair,” Lucia laughed, and it was. Each wig was shaped with a razor, coated in L'Oréal Elnett hairspray (oh, we do love a good ol' classic!) and flattened on top by Luigi's own two hands. “Owens has a strong vision,” he noted. And speaking of a hands-on approach, underneath the wigs (the shapes of which Luigi described as “angels and nuns'), the models wore chicly flattened chignons rather than the more typical wig caps. The only thing left to wonder: when can ITG wig-out again?

Photographed by Emily Weiss in Paris on September 27th, 2012