On The "Nothing" Bra

Emily Weiss

File this under “things only Jane Birkin would do'... or, would you?

I'm pretty anti-bra, but that's also because I'm pretty flat-chested, so you can't really tell what's going on under there either way (unless, of course, you're wearing a mesh top). But every once in a while, I stumble upon a “nothing' bra: some triangular thing that's sheer and stretchy (doesn't lift or flatten) and beautiful. That happened last month in Berlin, at the highbrow High-Street shop Cos. It was the last size small on the rack, and I scooped it up and haven't taken it off since. Sadly, said braziere appears to be sold out on the world wide web, but here are a couple of other options, should you feel the need to slip something on.

—Emily Weiss