Nathalie Love, Actress

Into The Gloss

“I was due for a haircut recently and when I walked in, I don’t know, it just came out of my mouth, ‘I think I want to be platinum blonde!’ I wanted to dye my hair for such a long time and then I kind of just went for it and I’m really happy. It was the most painful process. It felt like my head was on fire. I go to Art Luna—my hair stylist is Linda Cho and she’s great. I used to have really subtle highlights. But I can’t imagine going from really dark to this color because my hair is naturally dirty blonde and from the sun—it just gets lighter and lighter—so the transition wasn’t too crazy. Because of all of the conditioner I use, it’s pretty healthy. You know that stylist, Kate Young? I’ve done a few jobs with her. She doesn’t know it, but she’s my secret idol. She’s very cool. A lot of my face products were actually recommended by her. I’ve always just loved her hair color—it’s almost a silver; it’s definitely not the color I have. I wasn’t trying to copy her. [Laughs] I feel like I’m having more fun with this color. I don’t know what it is…I guess it’s more shocking or daring or I don’t know. It’s kind of a disguise because I get really nervous in auditions and I feel like the hair has made me more confident, you know? Kate told me how she takes care of her hair conditioning-wise. She recommended this L’Oreal purple shampoo—it’s called Colorist Collection White Violet Color Shampoo. The first time I got it colored, the first process, it was still a little bit yellow-y and this shampoo really gets out the orange. Now, I’m on my third treatment and it’s pretty white. I think it could use one more round. There are still a few orangey highlights, but that purple shampoo has definitely helped. As far as the texture goes, it’s really important with this hair to condition a lot, so I do a process conditioning mask by DermOrganic. I’ll alternate between those and the Kérastase, and I also use Pureology. They make a really good conditioner, Serious Colour Care. I kind of like to switch it up and see what’s working best. I also heard, for the color, and I’ve done it a few times, that apple cider vinegar helps. You just pour it on your head and then you smell bad for a few days. [Laughs]

Kate raved about this face oil, Rodin Olio Lusso, which is great. I have very very dry skin and it’s just been so amazing. It has a ton of different oils in it. But it’s so expensive and I’ve been trying to lessen my use—I use it during the day, after I wash my face in the morning. It kind of moisturizes your face and you can add whatever on top of it. For my skin, I have a facialist, Dawn DaLuise, facialist to the stars. [Laughs] She’s great! She makes her own products. She makes a nice mild milk cleanser that I’ll use with my Clarisonic—my Clarisonic is pink and mini and it’s really cute. About twice a week I’ll use this honey almond refiner scrub that Dawn makes, which is a great exfoliant. Then there’s this collagen moisture retainer she makes, and I’ll alternate between the Rodin oil and that nice moisturizer. Dawn’s here in LA, in West Hollywood. She does my brows as well—I genuinely don’t let anyone else touch my brows. My brows are kind of my thing. They’re my claim to fame. [Laughs] So, it’s all at once—two for one: facial, eyebrows. For my body, I like this Skin trip Mountain Ocean Moisturizer. It kind of makes you feel like you’re on vacation. It’s like a coconut, yummy, tropical island, beach resort smell. My perfume is Frédéric Malle En Passant; it reminds me of France. But there is something beach-y—there is something about it that reminds me of the ocean but also of France, so maybe the South of France? Maybe it’s a Saint Tropez scent or something like that. [Laughs]

Right now, I have a little bit of concealer and mascara on. I have some Rosebud Salve on my lips. I generally don’t wear makeup, but my sister loves makeup. She’s so into her beauty routine and so it’s kind of rubbing off on me. I mean, really, for years and years, I never wore makeup. I always thought I looked like a total freak in makeup because I have a very, very small face and I always morph into this, I don’t know, twelve-year-old beauty queen. So I just starting to get into it. My sister will do my makeup sometimes and she does a good job. I think she gets annoyed because my mom and myself are super low-key. My mom doesn’t really wear makeup. But I love a glow-y look, like moisturizer or the Rodin oil and then I’ll put a little bit of Tarte blush on my cheeks. For a deeper lip color, I love Stila Acai Stain. I’ve always used that pink and green mascara you get at the grocery store— Maybelline Great Lash. I’ve worn the Tarte blush for a while, but my roommate has this amazing peach color which I think I like better with my new hair color. It’s so funny because actually now with my new platinum hair, I want a darker eye. I’ve done a few photo shoots and they’ve added lashes. It would be my dream if I could wake up every morning and put on a few extra lashes on the ends of my eyes. My eyes just pop! I wish I could do lashes. I don’t think I can. And my secret weapon is NARS Copacabana Illuminator. My sister taught me: you put a little bit on your cheekbones and it highlights your cheeks, and you put a little bit under your eyebrow, and you make a little crescent moon shape below the eyebrow around to the cheekbone and it just highlights your face nicely. You can put a little bit on your nose, your forehead, your chin. I love these pink egg makeup sponges [Beauty Blender]. They really help with the crescent moon blending in. You put them underwater and it grows—it’s one of the most exciting parts of my makeup routine. All makeup artists use these and I’m clearly going to be a famous makeup artist someday. [Laughs] So I’d say my beauty sensibility is to always keep it very simple, especially out here [in LA]—to look fresh and sun-kissed. I think that keeping hydrated and moisturized and having a nice healthy glow and very minimal makeup, I think that there is something about that. California girl, fresh, clean, natural—that’s the most appealing to me. But then, I do like those long lashes.”

By Rachel Chandler Guinness for ITG