My Makeup: July 2011

Emily Weiss

You’re not going to believe it…

I don’t wear makeup.

Just kidding. Yes, yes, I do wear makeup, and I love makeup, and I (obviously) can’t get enough of it.

But what you really won’t believe is that all my makeup—and I’m talking about the makeup I really use, not the countless things I try—fits into this clear acrylic unit from The Container Store. An item gets serious consideration before earning real estate in this box. And then, I have my little perfectly edited, movable station. Since my bathroom is tiny, and the medicine cabinet has been overrun with skin care products, the makeup cube comes onto the countertop only when I need it. Which is kind of all the time.

If I’m running out the door and have five minutes for makeup, the first order of business is swiping on some Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation in OC-1 & OC-2 (depending on the time of year, and most days I mix it). This foundation is heaven. It’s like “base for dummies”: it’s sheer, but a dab on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin does wonders to even out my sometimes ruddy complexion, and never looks like a mask. It just sort of disappears. Part of this is because I swear by applying foundation only on very well-moisturized skin (at the moment I’m making a cocktail of Aesop Camellia Nut Facial Hydrating Cream and Fabulous Face Oil). This way, the foundation blends more easily and you ultimately use less of it. If I have a major blemish to cover up I’ll use a tiny dot of Koh Gen Do’s Moisture Foundation (in 113), which is thicker and creamier than the Aqua. But honestly—I’m not that bothered with concealer. I actually don’t mind if there’s a pimple or a faint under eye circle; I think we notice those things way more than anyone else and I also think that a little under eye definition can look kind of sexy. It’s weird to me when a face looks too “done,” especially in the daytime. That being said, nothing beats Clé de Peau’s concealer. All the girls at Vogue swear by it for events, and it is seriously good—and expensive, but that stick will last you years (well, at least one). I use the Beige.

The thing that kind of “sets” the foundation, etc, is my favorite powder— MAKE UP FOR EVER HD Microfinish Powder. I don’t know where I got this jar, but it’s travel size, and then I helplessly try to fit my gigantic Beauty Is Life fan brush (heavenly for dusting) in there, or else I just sprinkle some onto the brush. Now, apparently there’s some controversy about this powder—that it shows up with a camera flash, which Google will quickly confirm with images of several unfortunate looking celebrities. I’ve never had this problem, and I’ve been using it on myself, and countless models, for months. I like that it’s colorless and really lightweight, so it doesn’t feel like you’re adding another layer to your skin. Whether or not I’m wearing foundation, a quick dusting of this makes my face look better. Then I’ll take that same Fan brush and go to town with my new bronzer discovery— Guerlain Terracotta Light(in Brunettes 02). You know, like the diet version of the real thing. I am loving this stuff—it just gives you a glow, not a full tan, or if you have a tan, well, you get the idea. Then comes the blush, and my longtime favorite is NARS’ Douceur. I won’t talk about it too much because it was one of the first reviews I posted on ITG, but it. Is. Amazing. So subtle, and great on a range of skin tones. I’m also a big fan of YSL’s Crème de Blush in #1—it’s a mousse formula in the coolest packaging, and the color is peach/pink. I’ll use this on the apples of my cheeks when I want to be less powdery and more dewy.

For eyes, I’ve been loyal to one shadow palette for the past few months: Clé de Peau in 203. I do the pink (which I’ve recently realized is close to NARS Orgasm, so if you have that blush, try it on your eyes) first, all the way around, and then smudge the black just in the outer corners, at an angle, in an attempt to look like Julia von Boehm. I use the Beauty Is Life standard shading brush, which is fluffy and angled and pretty great for any eye shadow application needs. Then, I’ll do a little eyeliner, again just from my pupil to the outer corners—lately I’ve loved an eggplant from Bobbi Brown, Brown Plum. I have brown eyes which for years I’d say were hazel, and the purple-y liner brings out whatever hint of green I’ve always searched for. Mascara—it’s constantly changing, so I have about five tubes in rotation at the moment. For the biggest, baddest lashes, I’m pretty sold on Maybelline The Falsies. It’s the first tube of mascara I’ve actually run out of, and that’s saying a lot. But lately, and for the first time, I’ve actually been into more feather-y lashes, and this is due in large part to Dolce & Gabbana’s new Secret Eyes mascara. I received the Coffee shade (cool brown), and have been sweeping it on over Shu Uemura-curled lashes this summer. It’s not out yet, but any day now! I’ve also been a longtime fan (about a year, which is like six Beauty Years) of Estée Lauder’s TurboLash All Effects Motion Mascara. I honestly don’t know whether it’s the vibration, the brush, the formula, or all three, but this delivers clump-free, lightweight volume like no other.

Lips—the fun part! Come on, how fun is a bright color? I’ve been all about orange this summer. My ultimate favorite recent discovery is Dolce & Gabbana’s Venere. It’s a hot orange-y red that’s super pigmented, and I apply it almost like greasepaint…behold, picture at top. Thicker lipsticks also last longer on the mouth and this one is no exception. If I want a (much) more subtle lip, I reach for Chanel’s Rouge Coco Shine in Fétiche. I recently dyed my hair a bit darker, and this sheer neutral shade perks up my complexion. I’ve tried several of the Rouge Coco Shines and the sheer formula is just what I need on a ninety-degree day…such as this!

—Emily Weiss

Photo courtesy of the lovely Natalie Joos.