
Into The Gloss

I love an under-shave. In fact, I had one two summers ago (somehow, warm weather always inspires me to try out the punkier looks). But French model Aymeline Valade—with co-conspirator Guido—really took hers to the next level, with a full wraparound style.What's interesting is that at all of the Fall 2011 shows I spied Aymeline in, including Alexander Wang and Louis Vuitton, both of which she opened, her hair took on a Chameleon effect. At Marc Jacobs (pictured, top) and Vuitton, the under-shave was showcased by a high and strict pony, but at Wang (pictured, bottom), hair was down and dirty and no one would have been the wiser. That's the thing about this style (the classic under-shave, which begins behind your ears): no one needs to know. So you can truly be “business in the front' by day, and “party in the back' by night. Would you, could you?