The Perfect Holiday Gift

Photographed by Shana Trajanoska
There are maybe five great things about the holidays. First there’s the food, then family, the endless specials on TV, and of course the gifts. Or uh, maybe not all of those are so great all the time. Families are complicated, grandma’s homemade cranberry sauce isn’t exactly what you might call a hit, and every other 25 days of Christmas movie is littered with plot holes. Even gifts! Thinking of things you want, thinking of things your friends and family will want, thinking of things you can actually budget for… it’s not exactly a walk in the park. So here’s this: let ITG make this holiday season a little easier for you. We’ve rounded up 30 ideas of satisfying gifting for everyone in your life, at every price point. We don’t have the heart to tell grandma the canned stuff is always better than her homemade sludge, but we’ll let you in on the thoughtful, unusual gifts that’ll brighten up anyone’s day. One problem solved for now. Let’s get started.
Photographed by Shana Trajanoska