Two Masks For That Hangover You're Currently Nursing

Catherine Deneuve in 'Belle de Jour'

Catherine Deneuve in 'Belle de Jour'

Catherine Deneuve in 'Belle de Jour'

Catherine Deneuve in 'Belle de Jour'

Catherine Deneuve in 'Belle de Jour'

Good morning (afternoon?), everyone! Happy New Year. Did you have a nice time last night? Drink some champagne? Like, a lot of champagne? That's cool...there's such a thing as a hangover mask now, so even if your head is throbbing, at least you know your face will soon be gleaming. Keep reading.

It may surprise you (it surprised me) that I'd never considered masking while hungover. But then my friend Ashley Weatherford (Associate Beauty Editor at The Cut; haver of the most enviable skin on either side of the Mississippi) tipped me off to the Belif First Aid Anti-Hangover Soothing Mask, calling it the “skincare version of a bacon-egg-and-cheese sandwich.” It was my first introduction to the idea of “hangover face'—one of those phenomenons I was too incapacitated to come up with a name for, I'm sure. Belif's remedy is an oxygenated gel that I can't look at without thinking about this. The fact that it's clear makes it easier to keep on for an hour—a time frame I'm going to absolutely insist on if you truly are suffering from alcohol-induced dehydration.

Now, I don't want to serve any false promises. No mask, not even a hangover mask, can cure everything. I've broken it down below for Belif's version—

Things it is:

- Cooling

- Calming—takes care of all redness, seriously

- Extremely hydrating, to the point of being a bit sticky

Things it is not:

- A liter of eletrolyte-infused Powerade. Do not think this takes the place of your regularly scheduled hangover activities. Netflix? Sure. Seamless? Much obliged. Sleeping 'til noon? I say get your extra REM whenever you can find it.

Then there's Leaders' What Happened Last Night? Revitalizing Mask. It's a Korean line that's also relatively new the US market—they launched in Ulta after becoming one of the best-selling masks in Korea and China. But back to your hangover cure...

Things it is:

- $4, so stock up

- Focused on glow—peel this one off to reveal not just moisturized skin, but glowing skin

- Did I mention it's $4? You don't need to be hungover to love a good deal

Things it is not:

- A shot of caffeine straight to your bloodstream

What it comes down to: There are worse things you can do to your face when you've had too much to drink. Your other masks will probably suit your current situation just fine as well. But if it takes a specifically-named hangover mask to remind you to slap something hydrating on your face while you struggle to keep water down, so be it. Semantics are important!

—Emily Ferber

Photo 1 via Getty. Photo 2 by Tom Newton.

At another intersection of alcohol and great skincare, there's resveratrol. Read about that here.