Alternate Endings: Sex And The City

Of all the great love stories—Romeo and Juliet, Lancelot and Guinevere, Elizabeth and Darcy—there are two major stand-outs from the year 2004 alone: Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling in The Notebook (well, it’s gonna happen, trust us) and, of course, Carrie and Big, who that year finally told her, “ You're the one' in the Sex and the City series finale. Was it love at first sight for the shoe fetishist and financier? Abso-fuckin'-lutely. Sure, there were the multiple affairs, the breakups, the ensuing being-left-at-the-altar debacle, and a whole slew of other suitors for our favorite sex columnist (Berger? No. Aidan? DUH), but can you really imagine her with anyone other than John James Preston? Well, someone could, hence the three alternate endings to the series finale, above. (These were filmed apparently to throw off the crew, so as to keep the one true ending a secret until airing.) Can you believe it's been 10 years?