Deborah Lippmann's New Pastel Polishes

Annie Kreighbaum

Rarely do nail polishes solicit adjectives like “mouth-watering,” “scrumptious,” or “delectable,” And rarely do they make you actually, physically crave food. Yet here we find ourselves with 3 lbs worth of bulk pastel sucrose thanks to Deborah Lippmann and her new Spring Reveries line of polishes. Which, if the shade names are any indication (Blue Orchid, La Vie En Rose, Spring Buds, etc), are actually meant to evoke thoughts of pretty—and inedible—flowers. We'll chalk this up to a branding error on their part, and not a we're-always-hungry-and-impulsive error on ours.

They come in six shades, which we took the liberty of re-naming: Off-Brand Blueberry Sweet Tart, It Actually Tastes Better Than It Sounds Cantaloupe Milkshake, Those Melty Mint Candies You Only Eat At Easter, Expensive Organic Strawberry Gumdrop, Ladurée Pistachio Macaron, and Pretentious Farmers' Market Sweet Cream Butter.

Photos by Mathea Millman.