Happy Thanksgiving!

Into The Gloss

My Hand Turkey this year is made up of Byredo perfume samples—founder Ben Gorham gave them to me last week (more on him soon), and I brought them to my parents’ house for the holiday to play around with. No way I’m putting my big round bottle of Accord Oud through airport security. In fact, I’m doing a little experiment over these next few days—samples and travel sized products only. On the menu: Dr. Alkaitis’ Travel Kit (I’m excited for the packets of powder masks), tiny trial bottles from new organic skin care line Vered, and the “ It Kit” from vbeauté, a luxury product collection created in response to that dreaded 3.3 ounce liquid carry-on allowance.

As I sit (and maybe you too?) with a chalky face mask on later today, eating my third slice of pecan pie, trying to convince my family to go see the new Twilight and trying not to think about ex-boyfriends as Adult Alternative FM radio plays in the background (Snow Patrol “ Chasing Cars”...), I’ll be thankful for a very good year. Thanks to all the ITG readers and supporters, and to Michael & Ilana, my partners-in-crime who keep the site looking swanky and who keep me sane. And whether or not you’re in the US, I urge you to do as I do in the next few hours and get sentimental over a gooey dessert item. You’ll thank me/hate me later.

From left to right: Rose Noir, Green, Accord Oud, and M/Mink