Maria Dueñas Jacobs, Accessories Editor, Glamour

Into The Gloss

'I like to look natural. I have the same makeup routine night and day. I start with moisturizer—different ones, depending on what I got from the beauty closet...I’m not skin care loyal. But what I am loyal to is Dior Hydra Life tinted moisturizer. I like it because it has SPF 20, and it smoothes out my skin—I feel like it gives my face a kind of porcelain look. And I use Vincent Longo concealer, which I love for under the eyes and for evening out any redness. I’ve tried every concealer and this one’s the best because it’s dewy. I’m not loyal to mascara—I have like, ten different mascaras—and I’ll wear any of them. I love mascara, it’s probably my number one essential beauty product, but I hate applying it and taking it off! I use makeup remover wipes because it’s easy; the only time I wash my face is in the shower and then I use Dove soap. And I use Sephora’s Brow Tint marker to fill in my brows—it’s super cheap and it makes a big difference. It’s dummy proof. I wear the same lipstick every day; I actually stumbled upon it when I was looking for a lipstick for my wedding. It was the perfect shade, Lipstick Queen Medieval—it moisturizes and has a really pretty tint of red. It’s fresh and natural but still has a bit of color. As far as hair products go, I’m not brand loyal at all, and I’m lazy—I like to use two-in-one shampoo-and-conditioners! [Laughs] Pantene does a good one. I just cut my hair and I’m liking it a little shorter. Oh and on my legs, I really like Michael Kors Leg Shine. I found it when I was buying stuff at Sephora, and it was by the register in one of those $10, ‘Last Deal’-type bins. It’s a stick that gives your legs this sun-tanned, smooth, glistening look. I’m really into the whole dewy thing.”